
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19

摘 要:


关键词:礼貌策略; 拒绝言语行为; 商务信函; 面子理论


With the rapid development of international trade, English business letters play an irreplaceable role in business affairs. However, there are a lot of refusal speech acts in the process of business contacts, which fully embody impoliteness and their nature of conflict. Hence, it is of enormous significance to politely convey the refusal messages in English business letters. The role of politeness in business English correspondence cannot be ignored. Based on the speech act theory of Austin (1962) and Searle (1969), this paper expounds the speech acts. The paper also makes an elaboration of the speech act of refusal in English business letters, and Brown and Levinson’s face theory. Based on the theory, this paper carries out a special study of politeness strategies for the speech act of refusal in English business letters to illustrate the necessity and importance of politeness strategies in the speech act, especially the speech act of refusal. In this paper, a study is made of the positive politeness strategy and the negative politeness strategy in terms of politeness strategies, and the study has found that positive politeness strategies in business letters include using the positive words, searching for common ground, showing cooperation, etc., and that negative politeness strategies include maintaining humility, apologizing, applying tactful voice tone, etc. It is hoped that this paper will enable people to make good use of the politeness strategies to express refusal in business communication in order to establish good trade relations via effective communication, and improve their writing ability in English business letters with a view to avoiding making communication errors.

Key words: Politeness strategies; speech act of refusal; business letter; face theory
