
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19

摘 要


With the advance of globalization, China has been increasingly connected with the world. English news reading has become an important way to learn English, understand the world and broaden horizons. Therefore English entertainment news (hereafter EEN) easily attracts thousands of readers due to its relaxing and interesting content and form. If people learn the lexical features of EEN, it will benefit their deeper understanding and study of EEN. This paper aims to explore the lexical features of EEN through analyzing specific examples of EEN from The Essence of English Newspapers (Part I) and Corpus of Contemporary American English (hereafter COCA). It is found that EEN has its own unique lexical types and lexical expressions. From the perspective of lexical types, there is an extensive use of abbreviation, neologism, loanwords and metonymy in EEN which makes its lexical types more colorful. From the perspective of lexical expressions, there are three outstanding features of EEN, namely, vividness, modality and fuzziness which makes its lexical expressions more authentic, fresh, interesting, readable and timely. This research will contribute to the deeper understanding of the lexical features of EEN, accurate comprehension of its content and significance. Moreover, it will help readers to understand the authentic English culture better and promote a smoother cross-cultural communication finally.

Key words: English entertainment news; lexical features; lexical types; lexical expressions
