
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19


Dining etiquette is indispensable in the cross-cultural communication. It is influenced by and closely related to culture and environment. There are many cross-cultural barriers and misunderstandings due to lack of knowledge of different cultures, which otherwise might be avoided. As a result, it is very important to deal with these troubles when peopel get along with others of different cultures. This thesis aims to analyze the six differences between Chinese and Western dining etiquette and the four reasons. The six reasons are: attendance time;seating arrangement;food serving order;table manners;gifts for the host/hostess and use of tableware. The paper concludes the four reasons which are the different ideology;different values on life;different philosophy of life and the different way of diet.

Key words:dining etiquette;Chinese and Western cultures;culture differences;cross-cultural communication



关键词: 餐饮礼仪;中西方文化;文化异同;跨文化交际

1. Introduction
Dinging etiquette refers to the moral regulations and standard behaviors which people should follow in dinner party. It is a concept which has wide and complicated context, and it includes “politeness, courtesy, appearance." Sometimes, it also expresses certain ritual. During the dinner activities, the way of getting along with people should be elegant and the way one speaks should be modest. Politeness is the fundamental requirement of civil behavior. And the dining etiquette is based on it.
    Although dining etiquette has the strong constraining force in dinner, it serves as “an eternal introduction letter”. In dining activities, etiquette can show one’s cultivation, bearing and charm effectively. It reflects one's cognition level and honor degree to others and society.
