
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19


With the progress of era and the development of information technology, people's communication also extends from domestic to overseas. Our country's economy also got further development in the world. In the international trade, the parties want to reach a deal on trade negotiations, in this process, there will be differences to slow down the success of the negotiations, such as: cultural differences, different negotiating style, cultural differences, etc. But both in domestic and international business negotiations, language skills are essential to successful business negotiations.

Key words: international trade; language skills; business negotiations


随着时代的进步和信息技术的发展,英语论文题目,人们的沟通也由国内延伸到国外,我国的经济在国际上也得到进一步的发展。在国际贸易中,谈判当事人为达成某笔交易而就交易的各项条件进行协商,英语论文题目,在这一过程中,会出现种种异同来减缓谈判的成功,比如文化异同、谈判风格异同、性别文化异同等。但是无论是国内商务谈判还是国际商务谈判语言技巧都是成功商务谈判中不可或缺的 。


1.    Introduction
1.1    Literature Review
"Win-win" negotiation is a kind of pursuit of high efficiency , it pays attention to long-term, future-oriented concept of negotiations. Since the 1980s, the concept of the talks had drawn the attention of the international community. Zhang Guoliang fully expounds the coping skills in the "win-win" negotiations in The Skills of Win-win Business Negotiation.  In order to obtain the result of the "win-win", we need to apply some basic negotiation strategies, these strategies include: do negotiation plan, make use of "win-win" rules, not easily compromise, pay attention to the cultural differences between different countries and regions, and so on.
