
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19


English is a tone language, its tone pattern is part of sentence structure. In English, intonation has extraordinary significance to transfer information. The importance has attracted widespread attention at home and abroad. The tone has different functions: the accentual function, the semantic function, the grammatical function, and the attitudinal function. Different functions have different effects on communication. When Chinese people talk with native English speakers, they often failed to continue because of incorrectly understanding of intonation. The study is started in this backdrop. Through theresearch of dialogue in “Growing Pains”, analyze English words, sentences with different stress and produce different meanings. The purpose is to understand the using features of stress function, so promote Chinese students with a better understanding when studying English intonation function in English, and to promote the communicative ability.

Key words: Intonation function , Stress function




1.    Introduction
 As is known, English is an intonation language, and intonation is regarded as its soul, which is the key factor in oral communication. It may indicate different attitudes of the speaker, reflect varied emotive status and transfer varieties of intentions.
Pike (1972:56 Cited in Raphael O. Atoye, 2017) once stated the communicative impact of intonation in the following words:
“Actually, we often react more violently to the intonational meanings than the lexical ones; if a man’s tone of voice belies his words, we immediately assume that the intonation more faithfully reflects his true linguistic intentions.”
