
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19


Internet language is a media language which is created and used by netizens in online communication. Internet language has received widespread attention in people’s everyday life from all works of life. It is worthwhile to note that the internet idiom is a special phenomenon of vocabulary variation,among which the form of four-word phrase on the Internet is very obvious. It is created in particular contextual settings stemmed from the need for figure of speech, emotion, mentality. Context, that is language environment, is composed of various kinds of contextual factors, such as language systems, geographical factors, social backgrounds and culture differences etc. It is believed that the real context of the communication undoubtedly has a significant impact on the internet idioms. This article tries to study the four-word internet idioms from the perspective of context with an attempt to find help people to have a better understanding of the phrases. Also, the study aims to help people make better use of these four-word internet idioms.

Key words: four-word internet idioms; variation; context


网络语言,英语论文,是由网民创造、于网络交流中使用的一种媒体语言。网络流行语已成为当代语言生活中广受关注的现象。而网络成语作为网络流行语中一类特殊的词语变异现象值得我们注意, 它是以传统四字格短语为形式载体流行于网络,英语论文,在特定的语言环境里, 出于修辞、情感、心理的需要发明并流行的。语境即言语环境,上下文、时间、空间、情景、对象、话语前提等都属于语境因素。网络成语的发展对现实语境中的交际产生很大作用。本文将从语境的角度研讨网络四字成语,以帮助大家更好地了解四字短语以及更好地应用网络四字成语。

关键词: 网络四字成语; 变异; 语境

1. Introduction
Internet language is a media language which is created and used by netizen in online communication. As a new variety of language, it is very popular with cyber netizens. It has also attracted widespread attention in different fields such as language communication, social psychology, linguistics, and philosophical ethics and so on.
The four-word internet catchword is a new creation of internet language, which uses traditional four-word phrase as its form and carrier. It is in conformity with the principle of brevity in expression, compactness in structure, integrity in meaning, and rhetoric functions that traditional idiom has.  Internet idioms are originated from image creation, top issues, and relevant background on stories. It finally transfers the meaning r by connecting social events with special culture symbols. The four-word internet catchwords are also underpinned by the segments and module of social culture with historical origin, economic base, political system and cultural pattern.
