
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19


在二十世纪九十年代好莱坞出品的爱情喜剧中,最引人注意的无疑是由奥斯卡影后茱莉亚•罗伯茨主演的《风月俏佳人》 。影片所讲述的灰姑娘、茶花女式的套路故事毫不出奇,英语论文,但巨大票房成功却证明了大众对它的认可与喜爱。好莱坞商业喜剧片正是美国大众文化的重要组成部分,且片中所展现的文化、阶级、种族、性别等社会因素也正是文化探讨的重点。



Along with the boom of the film and television industry, researchers in the field of cultural studies have developed an interest in the two media as significant objects of analysis. Among the scholars who focus on studying the political side of culture, media critic John Fiske first applied semiotic model to the analysis of how ideological codes of American society are represented in television programs.
This thesis adopts the semiotic model set up under the influence of Roland Barches’ semiological theory to explore the ideological codes presented in the 1990 Hollywood romantic comedy film Pretty Woman. Specifically, it focuses on analyzing the social and technical codes embedded in the film which convey invisible ideological messages and exploring the relationship between them. The method applied to the anatomy of the film is largely acquired from media scholar John Fiske’s semiotic model and Roland Barthes’ semiological theory.

Key words: cultural studies, Hollywood commercial films, code, ideology

1  Introduction
Just as the celebrated American author Gore Vidal (1992) says, “Movies are the lingua franca of the twentieth century”. Evidently, His words point out the fact that films are generally considered to be one of the dominant forms of popular culture in the United States. Films as lingua franca connote not only social codes presented on the screen but also the ideological codes operating in a certain social context.
Pretty Woman,written by J.F. Lawton and directed by Garry Marshall, is a 1990 Hollywood romantic comedy film. The film Won the 48th Golden Globe Awards and made its heroine Julia Roberts a superstar. It is a mixture of Pygmalion myth (particularly George Bernard Shaw’s play of the same name) and Cinderella fairytale. A call-girl Vivian encounters a millionaire Edward—it is not a “to meet, to know, to love, then to part” romance poetized by Samuel T.
