
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19

摘    要




Today, the world is fast developing in the age of economic globalization. Business contacts among nations get increasingly close, which has brought more and more opportunities. Economic interdependence is much productive to the cooperation between companies. Successful business certainly will benefit the development of the companies and enterprises. Negotiation, a very common and important activity in the business world, can be understood as a process in which two or more parties come together to discuss common and conflicting interests in order to reach an agreement of mutual benefit.
This passage approaches the culture differences impact on business negotiations. As we know there is a lot of factors impact on international business negotiations, and culture is one of the important factors which can not be ignored. This paper discusses the East and West culture differences and its influences to the commercial negotiations. And also introduced the cultural differences to the commercial negotiations’ influence, which is the main part of this thesis. Further more it also explores through several areas definition and importance of business negotiations. Finally, this thesis gives some suggestion about business negotiations.
The thesis aims to enhance the cultural awareness of negotiators and give facilities for them to understand more about conflict resolution styles in different countries. Only in this way, would negative impact of cultural differences on business negotiation be reduced and more possibilities of succeeding in negotiation would be expected to reach.

Key words: West-eastern culture, cultural differences, business negotiation
