摘 要
由于的科技的不断进步,进入21世纪后,我们这个世界正变得日益狭窄和扁平。在这样的背景下,加拿大传播学家麦克卢汉因此提出了“地球村”的概念,弗里德里曼则写成了《世界是平的》一书。为了同这个世界保持关系,不被世界抛弃,生活在地球上的每个人都离不开信息的获取。而作为专门提供新闻信息的机构—大众媒体 很自然的成为了人们生活中的必需。作为国际语言的英语毋庸置疑已经在世界广泛运用开来。从而英语语言的重要性也就不用多说了。如同上面略论的那样,新闻英语,英语毕业论文,即大众媒体上的英语自然受到瞩目。新闻英语很好吸收了英语的精华,不但具备了英语语言的一般特征,而且拥有了自身的语法和词汇上的特点。
关键词:新闻英语 新闻标题 语言特色 英语发展
Thanks to the development of technology, in 21st century our world seems to be shrinking and flattening; and Marshall McLuhan put forward the concept of “global village” and Tomas L. Friedman acclaimed “the world is flat”. In order to be connected and informed, people find themselves badly in need of information. Mass media, professionally providing information, naturally becomes a must in our everyday life.
There is no denying that English as an international language has been widely used all over the world. The importance of English as a language is self-evident.
Rather than be one specific form of language, journalistic English has been shaped by a series of subjects, like journalism, sociology, politics and economics. Well-absorbed into the essence of English language, it now not only possesses the basic features of English language but has formed its own characteristics both in grammar and vocabulary. Consequently it will draw some scholar attentions as an applying language.
It will by no means be properly used, unless journalistic English should well obey the regulations and laws set both by regular English and journalistic industry. On the other hand, its proximity to ever-changing outside world, to some extent, has initiated the innovation and invention of journalistic English, then to spur the evolution of English language greatly. Journalistic English has long been a heated topic among scholars both domestically and overseas. Journalistic English: style and analysis written by Professor Zhang Jian in SISU is a great work on this specific topic. In my thesis, three categories will be involved and they are respectively grammar and language features in headline, vocabulary of journalistic English and the innovation of journalistic English and its contribution to the development of English language. In grammar features of headlines, omission, tense, voice and punctuation will be elaborated upon; in wording features, short words, initials, abbreviation and journalistic coinage; in vocabulary features, synecdoche and metonymy. In this thesis, news words and buzzwords are used to prove the invention and innovation of journalistic English.
Keywords: journalistic English; headline; language features; development of English language
,英语毕业论文 |