
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19

Abstract and Key Words

Abstract: Conceptual metaphor has an important role in English advertising. Conceptual metaphor is a persuasive and effective means to express the advertisers’ selling ideas. The paper gives a brief introduction to the theory of conceptual metaphor, three types of conceptual metaphor, and analyzes the application of this theory in advertising English; it mainly focuses on its three functions of conceptual metaphor in English advertisement. Through this research, the paper aims to find out how the conceptual metaphor conveys ideas to the customers and enhances the understanding of English-learning.

Key Words: Conceptual Metaphor; Advertising English; Application


1. Introduction
With the development of modern, globalized society, advertisements can be seen here and there. They play an important role in our daily life. They are in newspapers, in magazines, on TVs, on the Internet, even on the wall of the roads. We can easily find that more and more conceptual metaphor are applied to the advertisements, especially the English advertisements, and make the advertisements more persuasive and effective to express the advertisers’ ideas. Nowadays, more and more attention has been drawn to the study of English advertising. At the same time, more and more people are interested in conceptual metaphor.
The purpose of this paper is to show how conceptual metaphor is used as a powerful means to attract the customer’s attention. As high technology develops, advertising is becoming more visual. The author will try to show that the conceptual metaphor theory can also be successfully applied in the English advertising.
The first part of this paper is introduction. Part two is the introduction to conceptual metaphor.
Part three focuses on the introduction to English advertising. Part four is the analysis of three types of conceptual metaphor in English advertising. Part five focuses on the functions of conceptual metaphor in English advertising practice. In that part, some examples have been analyzed to show how conceptual metaphor performs in selling ideas, and penetrate into the customer’s mind. It’s the conceptual metaphor that helps the customers to get the meaning of advertisements and communicate with advertisers.
