
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19





News headline, an inevitable part of news, plays an important role in introducing and generalizing the main content of news reports. A good news headline can not only beautify the print, but also attract the readers' attention. This thesis, beginning with the definition and functions of news headlines, mainly explores the linguistic features of news headline from lexical, grammatical and rhetoric perspectives, and analyzes these features with abundant examples.

Key words: news headline; lexical; grammatical; rhetorical

1. Introduction

With the development of the internationalization and globalization, people all around the world can well know the events that happen both at home and abroad by reading news and reports. In English newspapers, a piece of news generally consists of three parts: headline, lead and body, among which headline plays a very important role. In the modern society, people don’t spare too much time to read news, and very often they just scan the paper to get a general idea. So whether the headline is good or not will affect the readers’ interest.
Known as the “eye” of the news, news headline has its unique linguistic features to attract the sight of readers. Of course, many researchers and scholars have already been paying much attention to the field of the news to know the general law of the linguistic features of news. Based on previous studies, this thesis aims to analyze the unique linguistic features of news headlines in the aspects of words, grammar, and figure of speech. The language used in the news is always fresh and concise, sometimes full of humour and wit. English learners can not only seize a lot of information around the world from the news, but also meet the latest “living language”, if they frequently read news reports and magazines.
