
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19


批评性话语略论是自上世纪七十年代末八十年代初由以 Roger Fowler  和Gunther Kress等为代表的西方语言学家发展起来的话语略论措施。批评语言学的措施论主要建立在系统功能语言学上。它特别强调对语篇生成、传播和接受的生活语境和社会历史背景的考察,并把注意力主要放在发现和略论语篇中那些人们习以为常而往往视而不见的思想观念,以便人们对它们进行重新审视。美国总统就职演说是总统就职典礼的重要组成部分。历届总统的就职演说就是一部美国历史的缩影。它不仅代表了总统本人,更加代表了总统所在的政党和国家,所以具有强烈的国家权力意识(power will),而且还处处透露出其主要的意识形态。本文通过对肯尼迪和奥巴马总统的就职演说稿的批评性略论,揭示出美国政府及其社会存在的权利意识形态。



Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) was developed by Roger Fowler and Gunther Kress in the late 1970s and early 1980s.Systemic-functional linguistics is the major methodological resource of critical linguistics which sees discourse as a social practice and hence pays special attention to the study of the social and ideological factors in its production,distribution and interpretation.The aim of analysis is mainly to identify and analyse those ideological assumptions hidden in a text that have largely been taken for granted and bring them to the surface for reinspection. The inaugural addresses of US Presidents play a significant part in inauguration ceremony.They are the epitome of US history.They are not the representative of the Presidents themselves alone,英语论文题目,but also of their parties and their country.In possession of a strong national power will,the speaker discloses his major ideologies everywhere in the address.This research shows the power ideology of the American government and society by analyzing President Kennedy’s and Obama’s inaugural addresses.

Key words: Critical Discourse Analysis; ideology; systemic-functional linguistics; inaugural addresses

1. Introduction

1.1 Background of the study
An ‘‘inaugural address’’ is the presidential speech given at inauguration ceremony which aims to maintain social stability and governments’ smooth functioning,to get the audience to accept the dominant ideological representations and to identify with him/her.This kind of speech is American oriented,strategy oriented and spirit oriented.Different from many other forms of political discourses,inaugural address is produced to reflect the fundamental political values and embody ideologies of the president’s party and country.
