
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19

摘 要



The British gentleman culture has a long history. Traced back from the earliest aristocratic stratum to varied social talents, it all reflects the British gentleman culture. The gentleman culture has an very important influence on the entire social stratum in Britain. This research can make contributions to understanding the British gentleman culture and overviewing the British up-class. This paper will give a detailed account of the influence of the British gentleman culture on the British upper class’s social etiquette, and it will mainly focus on the emergence, current situation and evolution of the British gentleman culture, the general situation of the British up class, representations of the social etiquette of the British up-class,etc, with the help of literature research method, descriptive research method, etc. It is concluded that the British gentleman culture has effect on the Btritish Upper Class in the following way such as the human communication, the dinner etiquette, the social education, the religion, the wedding and the funeral customs. It is hoped that this article will help in political comunications, economic exchange, culture exchange, etc between China and Britain.

Key words: British gentleman culture; aristocratic; up-class; social etiquette

1 Introduction
    This paper focuses on the British gentleman culture,which was evolved from the spirit of the British aristocracy, and the integration of all classes of life values was absorbed in the process of evolution. The British upper class absorbing the gentleman culture directly reflects in the class social etiquette. But it also led to the gentleman cultural’s excessively conservative, and the respecting for the traditional gentleman culture is seen as a form of pursuit. However, as the social etiquette of the British upper classes prevailed, the gentleman culture played a very important role in literature, art, and philosophy, and it is seen as an essential quality of the finest people. In short, learning gentleman culture can help avoid weaknesses and transform this spiritual as a heritage today. How to deal with the cultural heritage of the nation-state of modern society now has become a thought-provoking questions.The researcher eventually draw the conclusion that British people hold the view that British gentleman is not created as a prototype for certain social class, but it is the hybridity from the images of all levels of society in the UK. In the long-term development of British society, the gentleman culture fused the multicultural values eventually, which became the ties of all sectors of society.
