
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19




With the fast development of globalization, there are more and more intercultural communications among nations. Misunderstandings are easily caused by ignorance of cultural differences during the communications among nations from different cultural backgrounds. Cultural differences can even cause embarrassment and interpersonal tension. Reception is distinctly common and important in etiquette behavior during the intercultural communication, and so is the reception language. Proper reception language can leave a pleasant impression to the guests. It can be the good start of the communication or cooperation. On the other hand, the inappropriate reception language might lead the communication to the end. Reception language from different culture has its own features. There are many aspects need to be took care of. This thesis pays more attention to the intercultural comparison of reception language between Chinese and English.

Key words:  reception language; cultural differences; impact; comparison

1.    Introduction
With the development of globalization, there are more and more intercultural communications among nations and states. Current world is a melting pot, in which people with different backgrounds goes closer and closer, and different cultures are also melted and mixed together. Under the push of global communications of economy and politics, reception activity plays an important part in the cross-culture communications.
English is widely used in the intercultural activities as international language. However, in the actual communication, negligence and ignorance can easily lead to a collision of cultures and language because of different believes and habits in different cultural backgrounds. To avoid the unpleasant result in intercultural communication, the differences of language between different cultures should be paid attention to in communication, especially in reception language which is presented through words usage.
