
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19

This paper explores and studies the differences of Chinese and English euphemisms by analysis of the origin and definition of the euphemism. And from the cross-cultural perspective it discusses the relationship between euphemism and culture, analyses the types of euphemism, explores the differences between Chinese and English euphemisms and sums up the reasons for these differences. Through this paper it is expected to, in the era of globalization, help gain better and more harmonious communications with Westerners and avoid unnecessary misunderstanding.
Keywords   Chinese euphemism  English euphemism   cross-cultural

关键词     英语委婉语    汉语委婉语    跨文化   

Euphemism originated in mental taboo, as a reaction to a vow of silence. For example, out of respect, do not call the object mentioned; touch out of fear and avoid threatening words, avoid the vulgar, embarrassing words, or flexible discourse. More subtle language is used to express a variety of strong, unspeakable words. Such euphemism selects the language in a certain context, and a variety of rhetorical intentions deviate from the conventional implicature, or contrary to the principle of cooperation. Now, the euphemism penetration is carried in various fields, and far more complex.
