
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19

Chapter One Introduction

1.1 The Motivation of the Study
Nowadays it has become an indisputable fact that students have to face heavy academicburden. On different occasions and at different times, the leader of the Education appealed torelieve students’ academic burden, which had little effect. The teaching should be activitieswhich can promote children’ physical and intellectual development, but in reality, the heavyburden of academic made some students lose the interest of learning. The teacher Fu Qiuyun(付秋韵, 2017), made the survey about Guangxi pupil’s hating to school, found that thehigher the grade was, the higher students’ rate of weariness was, which shown that some ofstudents in the school were not happy. This data was not very reliable, but had somerepresentativeness. The school is not only the place of learning knowledge, but also theparadise of growing happily. The great educator of China Confucius once said that “curiosityis more important than knowledge itself, and interest is even more important than purecuriosity”. The so-called “le” means happy and relaxed learning.“The new century has witnessed the great development of English learning in China asthe largest country, and the number of English learners at all levels, from pupils topostgraduates, has exceeded two hundred millions, half of whom were primary schoolpupils.” (Zhang Zhengdong 张正东 2017). In the autumn of 2017, the Basic Requirement forPrimary English Course was issued by the National Ministry of Education, from then on,students can study English from grade three.

1.2 The Purpose of the Study
Based on the comprehensive understanding of the status of English game teaching, thepurpose of the study is to explore the feasibility of game teaching in the primary school andthe game teaching strategy, and provide some suggestions for primary English teachers inEnglish teaching. According to the characteristics of students, teachers should consider thegame teaching strategy fully to improve students’ interest in learning effectively, and promotedevelopment of students’ ability including innovative ability, thinking ability and so on. As primary school English teaching Syllabus claims: “Interest is a good teacher forpupils to learn a foreign language. And it is an important task for primary school Englishteachers to arouse students’ interest at present.” Now, in New English Curriculum standard,games belong to language skills. Games can arouse students’ interest and get the students’attention, so students can learn English easily with a great fun and interest. The BasicRequirements for Primary English Course also describes the aim of primary English teachinglike this: arouse the pupil’s interest in English learning and develop the positive attitudetowards English learning so as to build the confidence in English learning.

Chapter Two Literature Review

2.1 Definition of Games
Game changed a lot from the ancient time. From the society and culture of human, gamewas born in different kinds of forms. However, people’s understanding was multitudinousbecause of complicated game. In the ancient, there were two main views to understand game.The first one was that game was a play activity, the second one was that game from theunderstanding of the game circumstances to the human nature and the meaning of life was themost noticeable.Different e,英语毕业论文英语论文题目
