1.1 Research Background
Students in grades seven through nine are changing physically, socially, emotionally, andintellectually (Table 1.1). During this time, children are struggling to define themselves asindividuals and in relation to others. They begin to question the role of adults in their lives,and their peers take on increasing importance. They face many unique challenges as theystruggle to find themselves in this transition between childhood and adulthood. The tablebelow shows the developmental characteristics of junior high school students. As the table shows, students at the age of 13-15 go through a rebellious period. Duringthis time, their physical development is very fast, in 2 to 3 years to complete all aspects ofphysical growth and development of the task and reach maturity, on the contrary, the speed oftheir mental development is relatively slow, psychological level is still in development fromimmature to mature transition period that the junior high school students are in a non-physicaland mental balance, could easily cause a conflict on the psychological development of allkinds. the body's rapid development so that they can to people, the attitude on the matter, theexpression of emotions and feelings and behavior both the content and direction significantchanges have taken place, they all are not willing to obey, or even unwilling to listen toparents, teachers and others, all opinions, to reflect their presence everywhere, eager to society,schools and parents can give them the confidence and adult-type respect. Therefore, it is oftenperformed paranoia, good performance of their intention to take with other people withdifferent attitudes and behavior to get attention.Generally, children in grades seven through nine are similar in the ways they learn. Theytend to learn best by doing, experiencing, and using their senses. They often require concretemodels and have a need to make relevant associations between what they learn and theireveryday experiences. Thus, the middle school students need teachers and parents give themmore concern and appreciation extremely.
1.2 Requirements and Concepts of Junior High School English Teaching
With the further development and reformation of junior high school English Education,there is an increasing call to give the teachers and students more humanistic concern duringthe process of teaching. Only if teacher and students have a harmonious relationship canensure the teaching activity goes well and cultivate students’ ability of exploring anddiversified way of thinking to fulfill their far-reaching development needs. To optimize theEnglish teaching around the harmonious relationship between teacher and students fullyembodies the humanistic education concept—“people oriented, all-round development”.Creating a good relationship is just like establishing a bridge which connects teacher andstudents together, and which allows the teacher to walk into the students’ hearts and vice versa.In order to have an effective and fruitful teaching and learning result, teachers and studentsmust try their best to build a harmonious relationship.The major concept of new curriculum standard of junior high school English is tocultivate the ability to use language which including emotions, attitudes, cultural awareness,language ability and skills, and learning strategies. These five requirements are also thescientific本论文由英语论文网提供整理,英语论文题目,提供论文/,英语论文/,/论文,/英语论文,/留学生论文,英语论文,/英文论文,留学生论文/相关核心关键词搜索。