
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19

Chapter One Introduction

1.1 The Background of the Study
Language is one of the most important ways of expressing intentions and emotions forpeople. Since communication is established, language plays an important role which like abridge between each other. It is vitally achieving many of our goals and our careers and it isalso a source of artistic satisfaction or simple pleasure. Most of the information about theworld we gain is through listening. The point has frequently been made that of the time amade that of the time an individual is engaged in communication; approximately 9 percent isdevoted to writing, 16 percent to reading, 30 percent to speaking, and 45 percent to listening(Rivers and Temperley 1978; Oxford 1993; Celce- Murcia 1995). Listening is stronglyessential in foreign language learning. It is considered as the first step for the learners to learna foreign language. Listening, together with the other three basis skills of language learning isregarded as the key to acquiring language. In recent years, more and more teacher to thetaught has realized the importance of listening in foreign language teaching and learning. Notonly the universities, but many high schools in the big city have enriched their teachingfacilities and arranged the additional listening class to cultivate the students’ listeningcomprehension competence. Many English tests especially the entrance examinations havebeen set up the listening comprehension part. Listening is not the Cinderella skill any moreand has attracted more attention than ever before.

1.2 The significance of the Study
According to the traditional teaching method, teachers in the high school arrange theirclass like this: the first step, playing the tape and then checking answers. To follow the method teachers only focus on whether their students can understand literal meaning of thelistening materials or not, but neglect to train the students the way of listening. If there are notany excellent listening skills, there can not be satisfying listening input, students taught by theguidance with the traditional method can not learn English well, they can not produce theproper English output either. It is considered that main shortcoming of traditional Englishlistening teaching method. According to the current situation, the listening materials used inthe daily listening teaching are the input, and they indeed come from the students’ textbook.With the reform of the new curriculum in the middle schools in China,higherrequirement have been put forward for the listening teaching of the junior middle school.However the present listening teaching in the junior is not satisfied and there is urgentdemand to change the current situation. The Affective Filter Hypothesis,as one of the mostcomprehensive theories,英语论文题目,has attracted more attention since it appeared. Many researchersapplied it to language teaching and got the satisfactory results. Some of them have tried toapply the Affective Filter Hypothesis to the listening teaching in the high schools and foundsome effective ways to improve the listening competence of the high school students. If theAffective Filter Hypothesis are applied to the listening teaching in the high school Englishclass teaching,英语论文范文,what effect will have? Is it helpful to improve the listening competence of thejuniors? So this thesis tried to apply thi
