
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19

1.1 Research Background
Grammar is the law which is summed up from the language practice, and is the one ofthe main content of language knowledge, only master the grammar knowledge, can thelearners guarantee the development of language creation ability. In the English class of seniorhigh school, grammar teaching aims at improving students’ accuracy of using English, whichis conductive to cultivate the students’ comprehensive language application ability. But we allhave to admit that the low efficiency of the grammar teaching is the question now facing theteachers and scholars. First, most teachers have not found a proper method to teach grammar.They are difficult to design teaching from students’ point of view, the teaching mode of“cramming” is often implemented, they do not pay attention to participate of the students, andignore the training of language skills using. In this way, it can neither meet the students’ needsof learning, nor make them enjoy the fun of learning, so that students are not interested inEnglish grammar learning. On the other hand, most students have not found a proper methodto learn grammar. Due to the pursuit of high scores, they often pass examinations by relyingon rote-learning, however, this approach does not work for grammar learning. The studentscannot really understand grammar knowledge, so that they cannot properly apply thegrammar in communication.In recent years, with the fast development of the computer and digital communicationtechnology, especially with the rise of internet and multimedia, another prevalent linguistictheory, Multimodal Discourse Analysis, based on Halliday’s theory of language as socialsemiotic ( Halliday, 1978), has been developing rapidly, which considers languagemultimodal in nature, involving all aspects that make up the modes of communication, suchas oral and written, image, color, flavor, space, gestures, etc. The development of this theoryhas the important inspiration significance to foreign language teaching. The Englishclassroom is no longer confined to the single language, but expands the more differentmodalities, such as pictures, music, PowerPoint and so on. Nowadays, the studies ofmultimodal teaching are more widespread at home and abroad, they show that multimodaldiscourse provides beneficial guidance for English teaching practice.

1.2 Purpose and Significance of the Study
Based on the current situation of English grammar teaching, researchers and teachers aretrying to explore new grammar teaching method, for breaking the traditional teaching mode tooptimize the grammar teaching. This study carries the multimodal teaching into the Englishgrammar teaching, and uses the theories of systemic functional linguistics, MultimodalDiscourse Analysis to explore the influence of multimodal grammar teaching on enhancementof senior student’s English pragmatic competence, and try to find out the most appropriatemethods in grammar teaching, which can arouse students’ learning interests, and improvetheir awareness of learning, expecting to make English grammar teaching more effective forsenior high school. In this sense, it will enlighten the development of teaching theory,meanwhile it will be good for improving English grammar teaching effects.And so far, most studies of multimodal teaching focus on theoretical research or theoryanalysi,英语论文英语毕业论文
