Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
For years, the classroom discourse have been attracted more attention among thelinguistic theorist, educators and teaching practitioner. The Chinese learners spendmost of their time learning English in the classroom. The learners in the setting of thetarget language interact with teacher or other students. Hu (2017:2) commented thatinteraction was an unavoidable part in the second language acquisition. The secondlanguage learners don’t have much opportunity to confront the target language tocommunicate with others. The interaction between the students and teacher thatoccurred in the process of language acquisition could be the one to provide themaximum of comprehensible input and improve the output of the students. Teacherquestioning is significant part both in the management of classroom and the secondlanguage acquisition (Nunan, 1991:189). Teachers make use of questioning to checkthe students whether they remember the language points and grammatical patens,which is considered to be a significant element during the activities of classroomteaching and learning. The teachers identify whether the students use the language ina proper way or just intimate the pattern. As the significance of questioning, it isnecessary for teachers to find effective ways to ask questions in class and promote theinteraction of classroom teaching. That’s the reason why the author chooses this fieldto research.There are a variety of theories and hypotheses which have been contributed toexpound the process of classroom interaction affected the second language acquisition,among which interactionist of psycholinguistic theories and the social theories wouldbe the famous to us.According to the psycholinguistic theories on the interaction hypothesis, Long(1996) argued that learners receive comprehensible input and complement their output.Learners benefit from the opportunities provided by interaction. Long also assertedthat negative feedback could have a positive impact on the process of languageacquisition.
1.2 Significance of the Study
“All of knowledge results from questions.” contented by Postman(1979:140).The teachers’ questioning is a significant component in the teaching process. It is apedagogic method of how to make use of questioning to dig beneath the surface of ourideas in cultivating deep learning.For many years, the communicative approach has been widely accepted by mosteducators and teaching practitioner. Teacher-student interaction was thought to be amajor element of students’ language input and output. In Hong Kong, a research ofEnglish lessons has showed that nearly 70% of classroom talk has been acted duringthe process of the teacher questioning and then students’ response to what the teacherasked (Tsui, 1985). For this reason, the teacher questioning makes a great contributionin teaching process which will not be neglected by most researchers.After the systematic observation of teaching behaviors, a large amount ofelements of effective teaching behavior have been put forward. Teachers’ question isimportant to promote the teaching process effectively. Recent years the research ofclassroom questioning appeared rapidly, more and more researchers make greatcontribute on research of questions between the teacher and students. Long and Sato(1983) studied L2 teachers’,英语论文范文,英语毕业论文