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资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19

Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Research Background
It is known to all of us that English is the most influential language in the world,which has been widely applied in many fields, such as economy, politics, culture, trade, education, etc. As the reform and opening-up deepens, China has more communication with other countries. Therefore,English, which is being seen as theworld language, has attached more attention of the Chinese people. More Chinese people have learned English for different purposes. In practical learning process, most English learners may meet the same problem, which is they have studies English for many years—read texts, memorized words and grasped a lot of grammatical rules, however, many of them have difficulties in expressing their ideas or opinions in English properly and correctly. It is mainly because of the negative transfer of native language, Chinese culture, and thinking mode. “Chinglish”,which refers to spoken or written English language that is influenced by the Chinese language, occurs more frequently in English writing in high vocational schools. There is no doubt that Chinglish has become a headache for both English teachers and students. Thus, it is of great significance on analyzing how to minimizing Chinglish and improve students' written English level.


Many corresponding studies and researches have been conducted at home andabroad,however, all of them are focused on the theoretical and practical importanceon the research on Chinglish. There is no systematic study on Chinglish from theperspectives of its definitions, characteristics, causes, and even countcrmeasurcs. Atthe same time, many of the researches arc aimed at Chinglish in translation; a few ofthem were about Chinglish in English writing, not to mention Chinglish in highvocational schools’ English writings.Based on the data collected from the questionnaires and written papers, the authoranalyzed Chinglish from two perspectives—language transfer and thinking modedifferences between Chinese and English. In the research, the author tried to make acomprehensive analysis on its causes, adverse impacts, and countemieasures. Theauthor hoped that the research could shed some lights on English writing in highvocational schools.

1.2 Research Significance and Purpose
As have mentioned above,the research is of great significance, which can beconcluded from following aspects: Firstly, the adverse impacts of Chinglish in Englishwriting are analyzed. Chinglish enjoys popularity in English writing in highvocational schools. Analysis on adverse impacts of Chinglish will make both teachersand students more alert on Chinglish and then improve their English teaching andlearning. Secondly, the reasons behind Chinglish are discussed. If teachers knew thereasons that lead to Chinglish, they would teach English in a more efficient way. Tostudents, if they know the reasons, their Chinglish in English writing will beminimized and their English writing level will be improved. Thirdly, some mea
