
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Background of the Study

It is Stated very clearly in The New English Standard for Higher Vocational Education(2017) that the ultimate aim of teaching in higher vocational college is to cultivate thewell-qualified applied-technique-oriented talents in technical fields such as production,construction, management service and so on. Learning to leam for life is the requirement of higher vocational education for students. However, English classroom in China, the main English learning environment at present, only provides students with very limited opportunities to be exposed to English. Learning time at school can hardly guarantee that theycan obtain and practice English. Moreover, the knowledge that learners obtained at theirschools may become obsolete and can't keep pace with the current "knowledge explosion"society. How to instruct students' in acquiring the individual learning ability and enhancingautonomous learning ability has attracted a great number of researchers' attention.Since the early 1970’s, the focus of foreign language teaching learning has a great shiftfrom teachers-centered approach,in which knowledge of skills and language are merelyimparted by the teacher in class, to learners-centered one, in which the ability of usinglanguage and learning independently is fostered besides language knowledge and skills.Learners' autonomy has been enjoying increased attention and study of learner autonomy hasbeen the focus of foreign language education. Therefore to cultivate learners' autonomy has become an important and ultimate goal of language education. Stimulating learners' autonomy reflects the modem English teaching concept “taking humans as essentials", corresponds to the communicative principle of English teaching and has a significance forChina's English teaching innovation.


The traditional teaching methods, which cram knowledge into students" mind rather thaninstruct them to leam, no longer satisfy the needs of the changeful society which has a highdemand for learner autonomy. The overall-development of the learners is of great importancefor their future life. It is believed that to leam is a matter throughout a man's life. As Knowles(1975:9) points out, one of the most important aims in education is “helping individuals to develop the attitudes that learning is a lifelong process and to acquire the skills ofself-directed learning". Students should leam to be independent in learning from theirteachers, that is, they should leam to make their decisions by themselves about what to leamand how to leam. Little (1995:175) states that “genuinely successful learners have alwaysbeen autonomous". Therefore, it is urgent and necessary to develop learner autonomy inEnglish learning and teaching.

1.2 Significance of the Study
It is regarded as important task for language education to foster language learners"autonomy and train autonomous learners. Learning strategies play an important role inimproving autonomous learning ability. Wenden (1985) holds the point of view that learningstrategy plays an extremely important role in facilitating l
