
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19


Chapter One Introduction引言

本章介绍了本探讨的论文从以下几个方面:论文的目的和意义的论文,论文的组织的背景。This chapter introduces the present study and the thesis from the followingperspectives: the background of the thesis,the purpose and significance of the thesis,and the organization of the thesis.

1.1 Background of the thesis论文背景
As the increasing communication of China and other international countries, thestatus of English which is considered to be an international informationcommunication tool has been improving constantly. The actual requirements ofEnglish application ability are also become much higher and higher in today's society.Therefore, the foreign language teaching,as one of the important contents of basicEducation reform, is put on the outstanding position in China.English Curriculum Standards of Senior High Schools (Experimental Version)(shorted as ECSHMS(ED) in this paper) were promulgated in March 2017 byMinistry of Education,providing scientific standards and systematic theoreticalinstructions for senior high schools,teaching and learning, which symbolized a newround of educational change --new curriculum innovation at senior high schools. Atthe same time, four provinces—Guangdong,  Shandong, Hainan and Ningxia wereacknowledged as the first group of piloted provinces which began to launch theECSHMS(ED) at senior high schools in the fall of 2017,with newly revised textbooksdistributed and new courses and examination system to be applied. According to itsgrand plan, Jiangsu began to implement the ECSHMS(ED) in 2017. In 2017,theexperiment expanded to these five provinces or cities which are Fujian,Liaoning,Zhejiang,Anhui, Tianjin. At present, it had been nearly 20 provinces, cities orautonomous regions become new experiment provinces. The Ministry of Educationdemanded the ECSHMS(ED) must be implemented nationally in all senior middleschools before 2017.At present, the Hubei Educational Department had organized all aspects ofeducational administration, education and scientific research departments, universitiesand senior high schools to comprehensively carry out the curriculum reform andresearch of senior middle school, according to The curriculum innovation program ofsenior middle school issued by Ministry of Education of PRC (Experimental Version)in 2017.Accordingly, the national movement of new curriculum reformation at seniorhigh schools has been launched gradually. Since the fall of 2017,the initial year ofhigh school in Hubei Province will have all entered into the new curriculuminnovation experiment. At the same time,78 ordinary senior high school in Jingzhouwill be officially launched the new curriculum innovation experiment of PRC (2017).Until the winter of 2017,英语论文范文,the ECSHMS(ED) has been implemented in Jingzhou,Hubei province for 2.5years.However, have the ECSHMS(ED) been really applied into senior high schools ornot? Therefore,a survey about the application of standards is especially necessary,* which can find out the problems during the application. We can search the ways tosolve these problems and put forward the measures and reasonable suggestions, so wecan open up a way to expand the implementation of senior English curriculum reform.

1.2 Purpose and significan
