
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Background of the study
With the further opening-up of China, the communication between China andmany other countries has been much closer in such various aspects as politics,economy, culture and diplomacy, etc. Foreign languages, especially English, play avery important role in international communication. As a result, college Englishteaching and learning have been paid more attention to by Chinese people.Writing plays a vital role in the five basic language skills—listening, speaking,reading, writing and translating. As an important part of language output, writingshows the learners’ proficiency of English expression and performance. And thelearners’ English writing level reflects the mastery of language skills. Consequently,English writing teaching is the indispensable part of college English teaching.According to Raimes (1983), writing reinforces the grammatical structures,idioms and vocabulary that teachers have been teaching to students. The uniquefeatures of English writing process make it quite different from first language (L1)writing process. When Chinese learners learn English, most of them will beinfluenced by their mother tongue. The English writings of non-English majors arefilled with different mistakes. Chinglish, as one of these mistakes, is not onlydifficult to understand for the reader, but also difficult to bear. Pinkham (2017:1)remarked “But to one degree or another, the work of all but the most highly trainedand experienced among them will inevitably contain elements of Chinglish”. Thus,Chinglish has now become a main obstacle which hinders people fromcommunicating with and understanding each other properly. While revising thestudents’ English compositions, EFL (English as a Foreign Language) teachersoften complain that there are so many Chinglish expressions which make them havedifficulty in understanding the students’ compositions.

1.2 Significance and purpose of the study
As mentioned above, Chinglish is an obstacle which effects the learners’English writing expression. Therefore, it is very important for the researchers andeducators to pay attention to Chinglish in language teaching and learning. Someresearchers at home and abroad conducted their studies on Chinglish, but notsystematically. What is more, their studies mainly focused on Chinglish inChinese-English translation, while few studies focused English writings and thesubjects of the studies were sampled from one school. Therefore, it is verynecessary for researchers to conduct a study on Chinglish in English writings ofChinese learners from different levels of universities. The significance of the studyis as follows:First, referring to the previous studies, this study is advanced on the theoreticalfoundation. The similar studies have been conducted under the guidance of thetheory of Second Language Acquisition, but this study is conducted under theguidance of the theory of Second Language Acquisition and theory of ConceptualBlending. Thus, under the two theories guidance, the author can make a morein-depth study of Chinglish in English writings.Second, it is extremely rare that the subjects of this study are sampled fromSpoken and Written English Corpus of Chinese Learners2.0 (SWECCL 2.0) foranalyzing Chinglish at different levels. In the similar studies, the subjects aresampled from one sc,英语论文范文英语论文题目
