
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19

Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Background of the Study
Language testing, like any other kind of testing can exert impact or power on theparties involved, or the so-called test stakeholders, such as students, teachers, parents andadministrators. One of the most obvious or direct influences of this impact is calledwashback effect, which refers to the influence of testing on teaching and learning. Andwashback can be harmful or beneficial.It is widely believed that almost all the tests, especially public tests, are used to makeimportant decisions to how to teach and learn for students, teachers, parents, administrators,and other test-takers in particular. Because it is very important in linguistic research field,washback has drawn great attention by many linguistic researchers since the 1990s.As the important evaluating system of learners’ language competence, CET-4, wasfirst initiated in 1987 and then become the most commonly used large-scale test, which isapplied to non-English majors at undergraduate level, and has a great effect on collegeEnglish teaching and learning. With the rapid development demand of English, CET-4 hasbeen reformed in March, 2017 by the Ministry of Education. In general, most collegeteachers and students try their best to improve the comprehensive and practical ability onEnglish according to the requires of CET-4, especially the listening ability, and CET-4 hasbecome more and more important, as a result, the importance of the listening part in CET-4is greatly enhanced and reflected in college English teaching and learning day-to-day.However, there are lots of differences on the current situation of English teaching andlearning from colleges and individuals; therefore, it has become an important studyproblem to how to enhance English listening teaching and learning.

1.2 Significance and purpose of the study
As a very significant evaluation system of English using ability, CET-4 has a greateffect on English teaching and learning, based on the background, this research is toexplore the influence of CET-4 listening test on College English teaching and learningfrom the facets of perceptions, processes and means of listening teaching and learning. Aswell as, this research also intends to propose some suggestions to minimize the negative washback of CET-4 listening test and promote the positive ones. To serve the researchpurpose, there are three research questions:
Q1: what are the college students’ perceptions about the current situation of CollegeEnglish listening teaching?
Q2: What are the students’ perceptions of the impacts of CET-4 listening test onlistening learning in college?
Q3: What are the teachers’ perceptions of the impacts of CET-4 listening test onlistening teaching in college?

Chapter Two Literature review

2.1 Definitions of washback
In applied linguistics washback is a popular term and broadly defined as the effect ofa test on teaching and learning. it has been variously associated with effects on teachers,learners, parents, administrators, textbook writers, instruction, the classroom, classroompractice, educational practices and beliefs and curricula, many researchers on washbackhave offered comprehensive and rational definitions in their works.Buck (1988, p. 17,英语论文英语论文
