Chapter One Introduction
1.1 The Background of the Research
Phrasal verbs, (also particle verbs), come from the local dialects of Anglo-Saxon, then were spreadamong the underclass. Due to phrasal verbs’ distinctive features, the number of them increases rapidly, andit becomes popular to make use of them. McArthur (1980) said: “Phrasal verb is probably the first verbform that children in English-speaking countries have touched”. What he said might be a little exaggerating,but it vividly reveals the important status of the phrasal verbs.Phrasal verb as an important type of idiom, however, hasn’t drawn sufficient attention. To date, mostresearches in this concern have focused on English phrasal verb syntax (Quirk, 1985), semantics (Morgan,1997; Hampe, 2017), or phrasal verb classification for ESL (English as a second language) pedagogy(Gray,1999). However, studies have seldom contributed to the acquisition of phrasal verbs.Moreover, it is a very difficult task for English learners to have a good command of phrasal verbs. Themain reasons are below: a) Phrasal verb behaves as an integrated verb concept, not the simple plusing ofthe verb and particle’s meanings. b) Many of the verbs and particles have great ability of combination.They can construct dozens of phrasal verbs. c) The polysemy of phrasal verbs. A phrasal verb may havemany senses, and several phrasal verbs may have the same or similar meanings. d) The complexity of theusage of phrasal verbs. The particles are the adverbs or prepositions. It is very difficult to decide whether anobject should be followed or not, nor the position of the object. Also the teaching method is one of thereseans resulting in the difficulties of learning. In the present classrooms, the traditional teaching methodsstill have leading position. Especially the Grammar Translation Method works on a large scale in manycountry schools. Ways of teaching affect students’ methods of learning. It is still popular reciting Englishwords and phrases mechanically among students. Of course it’s unsatisfactory for the teachers and studentsto the effects of memory. Moreover, the complex features of phrasal verbs themselves also lead to thedifficulties of learning them.
1.2 The Purpose of the Research
The study is aimed at improving the current situation. The researcher attempts to probe a new methodof teaching phrasal verbs to help the teachers and students. Recently, cognitive linguistics at home andabroad has developed so rapidly that it has begun to gain a dominant position in linguistic theory. Based onvarious views from home and abroad, the professor Wang Yin (2017) made a distinction between micro and macro cognitive linguistics. The micro approach can be described as follows: Starting from bodilyexperience and cognition, and centered on meaning, cognitive linguistics is an emerging, cross-disciplinarysubject that adheres to the philosophical view of bodily experience, and is aimed at an unified account ofcognitive principles behind language facts through delving into cognitive strategies and knowledgestructure.The thesis is attempting to the guidance of micro cogn本论文由英语论文网提供整理,提供论文/,英语论文/,/论文,/英语论文,/留学生论文,英语毕业论文,/英文论文,留学生论文/相关核心关键词搜索。 ,英语毕业论文 |