Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Background of this research
As is known to all, listening is very prevalent in language use, especially for Englishmajors in college, so critical importance should be attached to the development of listening asa skill and as a channel for language input. Ironically, instruction in listening has not receivedmuch attention in China. Over decades, methods for development of listening instruction havedeveloped very slowly. Most methodologies now in use cannot be said to subscribe to any oneprinciple or theory of learning or teaching. The same occurs to listening materials design andmethods for assessing listening. Most methodologies in use today draw upon principles ofeducation, linguistics, language acquisition and instructional design, aiming at obtaining thebest result. Furthermore, these methodologies focus on English listening teaching in class.However, as we all know, students cannot enhance their listening proficiency only bylistening exercises in class. A great quantity of exercise outside the classroom is essential tothe enhancing of listening proficiency, that is to say, autonomous listening practice outside theclassroom is essential However, many students have no clue on how to listen without theguidance of the teacher. So the situation in listening practice in China is not satisfying at allfor a very long period of time. Therefore, to find a certain principle or theory to guidestudents' autonomous listening practice becomes the key concern, while traditional listeninginstruction gives poor answer to this.
1.2 Purpose and significance of this research
The deficiencies mentioned above indicate that learners can hardly improve theircomprehension without proper instruction. In short, learners have trouble improving theirlistening proficiency efficiently and some teachers and textbook writers fail to put thescholars' achievements into practice. It is time to handle the problem, to find a certainprinciple or theory to guide listening practice and, more importantly, to help learners apply acertain principle or theory to their autonomous listening practice. So in this paper,whatprinciple or theory serves better in guiding autonomous listening practice will be discussed.And it will help renovate the belief of listening practice. In this belief of practice, the learners'listening quality will be gradually formed in the process of autonomous listening practice.
1.3 Research questions
With the development of cognitive linguistics and psychological linguistics, it is foundthat listening is not a process of passive decoding,but a process of active"guess-confirmation". Listening demands active involvement from the listeners. “Listeningentails a great deal of active mental participation on the part of listeners. It can be regardednot so much as a question of perception and processing of a signal, but rather as a process ofparallel construction on the part of listeners." (Bowen & Marks,1994: 131)On本论文由英语论文网提供整理,提供论文/,英语论文/,/论文,/英语论文,/留学生论文,/英文论文,留学生论文/相关核心关键词搜索。