
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19


Chapter One Introduction引言

  本章介绍了本探讨的论文从以下几个方面的论文和论文的组织的目的和意义。This chapter introduces the present study and the thesis from the followingperspectives: the purpose and significance of the thesis and the organization of thethesis.

  1.1 Purpose and Significance of the Thesis探讨意义和目的
  As Wilkins (1972:100) states that without grammar very little can. be conveyed,without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed. As it was also pointed by Schmitt andMcCarthy (2017:140), no matter how well the students learn grammar, no matter howsuccessfully the sounds of second language are mastered, without words to express awilder range of meanings, communication in second language just can not happen inany meaningful way. Scholars' interest in vocabulary study is embodied by the abovequotations. Due to the significance of vocabulary learning,英语毕业论文英语论文, researches on thevocabulary learning and vocabulary teaching emerge in accordance with it. The adventof communicative approach in the 1970s sets the stage for a major re-think of the roleof vocabulary. The communicative value of vocabulary has been recognized. Scholarsfind that lexical problems frequently interfere with communication; communicationbreaks down when people do not use the right words. These findings have raisedawareness of the important role vocabulary plays on language learning- Vocabulary isno longer treated as an "add-on" in second or foreign language teaching. Meanwhile,the language learners become aware of the significance of vocabulary. In recent years,more and more attention is paid to the research on vocabulary learning and teachingdue to its communicative importance. For our English learners, lexical study is animportant part of English study.However, in English study,although vocabulary teaching costs most of theteaching time and much of students* and teachers' energy, students still don't have agood command of vocabulary. As for many Chinese college students of non-Englishmajors have confronted a series of frustrating difficulties, namely, learners mayconfront words that are totally unfamiliar to them, or that are being used, according totheir understanding in novel or obscure ways; learners may meet concepts that aresimply not represented by words in their first language; learners may not find theright words to fit the intended meaning or confuse one word with another; they mayhave trouble in memorizing the words form, meaning and collocation, etc. All of thesetroubles lead to the fact that they may fail to use the vocabulary appropriately in thecommunication. As is known to all that vocabulary competence is an important part oflanguage competence,which based on the insightful vocabulary knowledge, includingthe alleged ability and general reasoning ability. Owing to lack of adequate vocabularyknowledge, various kinds of lexical errors are probable to be made by those languagelearners. It is acknowledged that making errors is a problem which cannot be avoidedby language learners. All kinds of errors play an important part in language acquisition.Traditionally, errors are considered to be no importance. However,In the process oflanguage acquisition, the errors made by the language learners turn out to be thebyproducts of the language acquisition, which also tend to be systematic
