Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Research background
Writing has been a central topic in applied linguistics for over half a century andkeeps a field of lively intellectual research and debate. Its complex, multifacetednature seems continuously to evade sufficient description and explanation and howwriting works and how it should be properly taught have aroused many forms ofinquiry. Writing plays an important role in our personal experience and socialidentities, and for most college students English writing is most difficult to master andthey feel helpless while they take an English writing test. Therefore, the developmentof students' writing competence is a very important part in college English teaching. sentences they write in part can show their writing quality. Many researchers(Hayes&Flowers; Khaldieh 2017, Uzawa & Cummin 1989,Krapels 1990) pay theirattention to the study of the model of writing process, the writing strategies and therelationship between learning strategies and ESL writing processes, but fewresearches focus their studies on syntactic features of ESL writing.
1.2 Significance of the study
It is well known that a sentence plays an important role in an article. Features ofsentence may influence the whole quality of the article and reflect learner's writingcompetence. This research studies the syntactic features in terms of syntacticcomplexity, syntactic variety and cohesions.The number of clause complex is regarded as the standard of syntacticcomplexity, and the structure of clause and subordinate clause reveal the students’writing ability to deal with different sentence structures. A student with advancedwriting competence will apply difficult sentence structures, which can illustrate moreintricate meanings.Sentence variety is also of great importance in ESL writing. An advanced studenthas the ability to use a variety of sentences to express their thoughts while lowerability students tend to use a few basic sentence structures time and time again, whichmakes the readers feel bored and lose interest in their writings. Therefore, varyinglengths and forms of sentence structures are necessary in the process of Englishwriting.Syntactic cohesion, which is based on cohesion, coherence, and rhetoricalorganization relates to textual competence. It includes the knowledge of theconvention for joining utterances together to form a text. Cohesion comprises ways ofexplicitly marking semantic relationships such as reference,substitution,ellipsis,conjunction,and lexical cohesion as well as conventions such as those governing theordering of old and new information in discourse. Since cohesion is a broadconception this thesis considers one aspect: conjunctive adjuncts. How students useconjunctive adjuncts in their writings may reflect their ability to organize linguisticsignals in communication and the ability to use these signals to refer to persons,objects, ideas, and feelings. Hence, the appropriate use of syntactic cohesions reflectsstudents' writing competence.In China, studies of syntax seem to be confined one perspective or another.For example, some look into syntactic fluency in writing products (Fen, 2017), othersdiscuss the syntactic features in terms of complexity (Tang, 2017). Still others addressthe issue in the light of syntac |