
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19


Legal translation has a long history, which is an important medium used to communicate among different national laws. Globalization makes its impact and effect growing more than ever. At present, China’s legal translation is various, with a large number of mixed qualities. Exploring legal translation theory and practice has great significance for guiding legal translation.  
“English and Chinese belong to different linguistic systems, and both have their own properties and structural characteristics”(John, 2017:78). In particular, there are quiet different in the usage of person deixis. In legal languages, person deixis in one linguistic system may not be used in another. Moreover, legal language is a product of culture, which is greatly influenced by political, social, historical and traditional factors in specific legal system. What’s more, the collision of different legal cultures will have an impact on the use of person deixis. In terms of the study on person deixis’ property, structural features and translation in different legal systems, the most effective way is to conduct comparative analysis, find out and identify differences, and consciously abide by the habitual expressions in target language in translation. With the Skopos Theory as its theoretical framework, the thesis analyzes and summarizes the translation strategies through comparison of person deixis’ characteristics in Chinese and English legal texts.  Research on this topic will help the translator use appropriate translation strategies of person deixis correspondingly in the legal translation practice.     

Keywords:  person deixis  the Skopos Theory  legal language  E-C translation


法学翻译历史悠久, 是不同国家间法学交流的重要媒介。全球化使其作用和影响在多语种时代与日俱增。我国当前法学翻译内容繁多、数量庞大、质量良莠不齐,英语论文范文,探索法学翻译理论与实践对指导法学翻译工作有一定现实意义。

关键词: 人称指示语;功能目的论;法学语言;英汉翻译
