
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19


    In recent years, the exchanges between people in the world are becoming increasingly frequent. As a communication tool, audiovisual is playing a dispensable role in promoting mutual understanding and cultural exchanges. After the hyperbolic, absurd American humor, British humor, with its distinctive feature, is popular among the world.
    Downton Abbey is a costume drama, produced by ITV. It gains popularity since its publication .Its delicate dialogues; complicated family stories, unexpected plots, and particularly, the unique and ubiquitous humor are simply astounding.
    However, British humor has rarely been systematically studied as a specific translation problem. In order to fill this gap, this paper presents a case study by analyzing the Chinese subtitles of the British TV play Downton Abbey, focusing on general verbal humor, rhetoric humor and culture-related humor from the perspective of functional equivalence. It aims at discussing some feasible translation strategies that can be used in translation

Keywords: British humor  subtitle translation  functional equivalence



1.1 Research Background
In recent years, with the development of globalization, the exchanges between people in the world are becoming increasingly frequent. As a communication tool, audiovisual is playing a dispensable role in promoting mutual understanding and cultural exchanges. Therefore, subtitle translation is regarded as a bridge between two languages and becoming more and more important. The quality of translation determines audiences’ understanding, absorption and approve of the original drama. It is widely accepted that humor translation is as desperate as poem translation. After the hyperbolic, absurd American humor, British humor, with its distinctive feature, is popular among the world. Therefore, the humor of subtitle translation has become a dispensable field of translation study and practice. “Besides, the sounds of television arts can produce new, poetic arts formation and expand its space and expression, arousing the atmosphere to arouse audiences’ imagination into a deeper level.”
