
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


Shelley is one of the most important poets of British romantic period. His poems have been attracting many scholars. Shelley's poem Love’ Philosophy, as one of the British romantic poetry masterpieces, is loved by a large number of readers. But there are not many translations for it. Furthermore, the level of translation is different. Translation will be able to reach the best state if it realizes the optimal relevance of thoughts, style and emotion in the original text. At the same time, Relevance Theory is applied in many fields. Many scholars strive to study this theory to make more contribution for linguistics while there aren’t many studies on Love’s philosophy from perspective of relevance theory.
So this study chooses the four translation versions of Love’s Philosophy which are translated by Jiang Feng, Lv Zhilu, Zha Liangzheng and Yang Xiling. Then the author will analyze the relevance between the original English poem and Chinese translation versions from the perspective of cognitive principle and communicative principle.

Key words: Relevance Theory  Translation  Shelly  Love’s Philosophy

摘  要


关键词:关联理论  翻译  雪莱  《爱的哲学》

Chapter One    Introduction
1.1 Research Background 
As one of the Britain’s greatest romantic poet, Percy Bysshe Shelley made an important contribution to Britain even to the whole world. Undoubtedly, it is essential to study his works. In this paper, his work Love’s Philosophy is researched. It shows a special Shelley’s view of love which is expressed very differently from others’ writing.
