
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


With the deep integration of global economy, links between all the nations are closer and close. As the most widely used language in the world, English is a medium of communication in many international situations. English slang is an important part of English and is accepted by more and more people and is widely used because of its humor and vivid image. The translation of English slang also challenges translators. Although translators try to keep the original translation of English slang in various ways, there are still some translations which cannot satisfy people. This thesis will study different translations and compare with each other in depth and absorb some excellent views in some periodicals. First this paper will propose a new definition of English slang and its characteristics and formation. Then this paper will summarize some common problems which exist in the translation of English slang into Chinese. Next, this paper will put forward some principles which should be used in the translation against those common problems. At last, this paper will propose some possible strategies which can be used in the translation of English slang.

Keywords: English slang; definition; problems; principles; strategies



