
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


   Nowadays, with the development of economic and cultural communication, the important role of translation in our society cannot be ignored. However, translationese, an awkward hybrid of language which hampers the reception of the translation on readers, has brought many obstacles in communication. When translate foreign literal classics ,translators have to make a choice between foreignization  and domestication. To some extent, literal translation boils down to the strategies of foreignization and domestication. Both of domestication and foreignization have their advantages and disadvantages:the translation of domestication, although clear and coherent, is at the expense of lossing the original version's cultural identity ;foreignization, on the other hand,can realize culture facsimile but is difficult to understand. Translationese is born out of foreignizing translation but is rigid, regardless of readers' acceptablity.
    During the process of translation, the foreignization and domestication always exist at the same time, but it is difficult to determine which is dominant. If we overemphasize foreignization strategy, and flock to the foreign language culture, the translated text will be awkward to read. It may confuse readers and fuddle their comprehension and this phenomenon is called translationese. Under such circumstance, this paper will try to give a clear definition of translationese, analyze the phenomenon with examples chosen from Chinese version David Copperfield by DongQiusi to find some causes of translationese from the angles, such as the difference between English and Chinese, context and culture difference, and then try to work out some methods to avoid translationese in the course of English-Chinese translation.

Key words: translationese; causes; David Cooperfield



