从目的论看培根 《论读书》 几个译本的得失[英语论文]

资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


本论文旨通过对培根的《论读书》的几个译本的对比探讨, 找出它们各自在翻译中的得当和欠妥之处,研讨翻译过程中的一些基本原则和规范。在探讨过程中,论文主要从翻译目的论的视角入手,对王佐良,曹明伦以及水天同的三个不同译文分别从语言特点, 修辞特点以及整个译文风格以实例进行对比略论;同时,在对这些具体方面进行对比时,文章还借助于目的论中的功能对等以及文本类型说等理论给予每个译文适当的评价。
根据目的论中的这些具体准则和标准,英语论文,文章经探讨和略论得出,王佐良的译文既准确地传达了原文的意思,又最大限度地保留了原文的风格。因此,根据目的论, 该译文同时满足了功能对等和文本对等的标准要求。相比之下,水天同的译文则主要体现了功能对等的特点。他的译文不仅准确地表达了原文的意思,而且译文语言风格也能够被普通读者所理解。但是从另一个角度讲,他的译文在文本对等方面稍有欠缺。关于目的论的这两个方面,曹明伦的译文则都没有很好地达到这些要求。曹明伦为了非常准确地传达原文意思,而且希望他的译文整体看起来更加富有文采,最后导致他的译文看起来文白夹杂,这使他预期的目标读者显得有些模糊。

关键词:得当与欠妥, 翻译,目的论


Through analysis and comparison, this paper aims to discover their merits and demerits of the three translations of Of Studies by Bacon and explore some basic rules and principles in translation. In the specific process of the comparative study, the translations by Wang Zuoliang, Shui Tiantong and Cao Minglun are taken as examples for analysis according to the Skopos Theory of translation. Based on the functional-equivalence and intertextual-equivalence of Skopos Theory, the paper compares the three translations in terms of linguistic features, rhetoric features and general style of each translation and then gives comments.
According to the Skopos Theory, it is found that the translation by Wang Zuoliang complies with the criteria of Skopos Theory both in functional-equivalence and intertextual-equivalence. That is to say,this translation retains the style of the original as well as coveys the correct meaning of the original. And the translation by Shui Tiantong meets the criteria of function-equivalence very well, for this translation can be easily understood by most general readers. To some extent, this translation fails to meet the intertextual-equivalence of Skopos Theory. As for the translation by Cao Minglun, in some sense, it meets neither the criteria of functional-equivalence nor the intertextual-equivalence because his translation turns out to be a mixture of classical Chinese and modern Chinese at last, which makes his translation has no clear purpose and intended readers
Of course, translations strictly base on Skopos Theory has its own limits because,英语论文,at least, one translation based on the Skopos Theory cannot be accepted by all readers. However, in the final analysis, this thesis concludes that all translators should have clear purposes and intended readers before starting translation. Only in this way can the translation be considered consistent with its own purpose and the norms of the target language.

Key words:    merits,  demerits,  translation,  Skopos Theory
