
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


Functional equivalence theory is put forward by Eugene Nida, which has evoked great repercussions in the translation field. Subtitle translation plays a very important role in the films and TV series with the development of cross-cultural communication and the Internet. This paper probes into the subtitle translation in Prison Break from the perspective of functional equivalence theory.
In this paper, the author mainly focuses on two aspects of functional equivalence, vocabulary equivalence of subtitle translation and syntactic equivalence of subtitle translation, and applies them into the analysis of specific examples in Prison Break.
From the analysis of these examples in Prison Break, the author draws the following conclusion.
First, in subtitle translation, if the word in the target language and that in the source language have the same meaning, the audiences in different countries can feel the same thing, that is to say, the subtitle translation follows the vocabulary equivalence. If the word in the target language and that in the source language have the different meanings, the audiences in different countries cannot feel the same thing, that is to say, the subtitle translation violates the vocabulary equivalence.
Second, in subtitle translation, if the Chinese syntactic order follows the English syntactic order, then the subtitle translation follows the syntactic equivalence; if the Chinese syntactic order does not follow the English syntactic order, then the subtitle translation violates the syntactic equivalence.

Key Words: functional equivalence  subtitle translation  Prison Break

摘 要


关键词:功能对等理论  字幕翻译  《越狱》
