
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

摘 要




With the opening of China and the development of economic globalization, cultural communication has become one of the indispensable themes, while film is one of these important aspects. Translators get to know a film through its title, so as to meet the needs of communication between different languages, the translation of film titles has been valued and studied. This paper concludes and motivates the information based on searching for lots of materials, mainly concluding translation methods and principles and pointing out the main existing problems through studying the current situation of film titles’ translation and so on. Many scholars have made some achievements in this aspect. For making further the research on correctly translating the film titles with the cultural features to achieve its commercial values, all translations for films titles should have the common regulation and their own specific situation. So this paper is going to explore the right direction for film titles’ translation through contrasting the existing examples with better or poor ones. After conclusion, many translators who are interested in films may get to pay attention to translation of film titles. By doing so, the film titles’ translation will be improved, and the cultural communications between different countries will become more various, direct and convenient. The information about film titles’ translation will be continually completed in the following days.

Key words: Film title translation; cultural features; commercial values; social value

1    Introduction
 With the accelerated pace of China’s reform and opening up, the communications between China and foreign countries become more and more frequent, including cultural exchanges. Film, as a cultural and ideological product in society, unprecedentedly manifests its advantage of cultural bridge in international communications, which can’t  be ignored, especially introduction of many excellent English classic films plays a very important role in cultural communications between the East and the West. Also, the outstanding Chinese films can get foreigners to be interested in the particular excellent Eastern culture. As a result, movie translation has also become more and more important, especially its title translation. However, the present situation of the film title translation is a little complicated, which, all in all, has not reached the audiences’ expectation. And there are no standards about one film’s title translation, bringing about still many problems in film title translation.
