
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

摘  要

随着中外商品贸易日渐频繁,广告作为消费者第一时间获取信息的渠道越发重要,英语毕业论文,因此广告翻译也成为一个新兴领域,但现在很多流传的广告却因为翻译人员关于广告的文化背景的认识不够,而不能将广告的语言的神韵翻译出来。翻译人员应当要充分应用文化知识, 把语句中所承载的种种思想通过语言手段将其表现出来。广告翻译决不是一种纯语言的行为,而是深深根植于语言所处的文化之中,是一个彰显文化、求同存异的平台。另一方面,广告翻译的对象是广告,作为一种特殊的文体,英语论文题目,它对译者提出了更加灵活多变的要求。广告创作的灵魂是创意。如何交上一份新颖独特、易读易记、有利促销的广告译文是每位译者要面临的问题。本文在广告翻译上的中英翻译上提供新的观点以及探讨其中所表现的文化异同。

关键词: 广告;翻译;文化;异同


With development of international trade, foreign advertising plays an important role in the international market. Commercial advertising in the international market is becoming more and more significant and popular. What’s more, advertisements as the first access to get the information, this also have a big effect. In fact, as the lack of advertising translation talents and experience in Chinese enterprises, this will bring inconvenience to the international trade. For the goods foreign importing, the advertisement translation will be the way to understand foreign culture, technology and nature. So the translation of advertising has become a emerging field, there are many unsatisfactory examples in the translation of English advertising, some even led to the sale of frustration .Some translators can’t know the background’s culture clearly, so that the advertising language is not charm and vivid. The translator should make full use of cultural knowledge, and show the right ideas for the customers. Advertising translation is not a pure language behavior, but is deeply rooted in the culture of the language, is a highlight of culture, to seek the common point in different environment. In addition, advertising translation is for advertising. As a special style, it needs flexible requirements for translators. Advertising creation is the soul of creativity, and translators should face the problem about how to make the advertisements unique, easily readable, favorable sale promotion. This thesis is expected to offer a new sight for the translation of advertisements and analysis the culture differences from them.

Key words: advertisement; translating; culture; difference

1  Introduction
1.1 Purpose of thesis
With the globalization development of Chinese economy, more and more companies do their business abroad. For foreign goods importing, the advertisement translation of them is a path for customers to know about foreign cultures, technologies, and nature. Therefore, the translation of Chinese and English advertising language will play an important role in introduction of commodities.

