
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


    新闻标题在新闻报道中有着举足轻重的重要地位,因此如何合理翻译英语新闻标题是我们最关心的事。本文旨在介绍一些英语新闻标题的翻译策略。文章通过对比从China Daily和《人民日报》上摘录的中英文新闻标题来呈现中英文新闻标题的相同点和不同点。最后通过英语新闻标题翻译标准来提出英语新闻标题翻译的建议,英语毕业论文英语论文范文,如直译、意译、增译和转换。文章希望能够为大家更好地理解英语新闻标题提供一些帮助。


There is no denying that news headline is of great importance in news report. So how to translate English news headlines properly is our big concern. This paper aims at introducing some strategies of English news headlines translation by comparison between Chinese and English news headlines. Examples of news headlines quoted from China Daily and People's Daily are to show the similarities and differences between Chinese and English news headlines. At last, through the introduction of criteria of translation of English news headlines, the author concludes that literal translation, liberal translation, amplification and conversion are possible methods to translate English news headlines properly. It is hoped that this paper can provide a suitable way to help Chinese people understand English news headlines better.

Key words: news headlines; similarities and differences; criteria; translation strategies

1. Introduction
Nowadays, news plays an indispensable part in our social life. Everyday we are overwhelmed by different kinds of news. News keeps us knowing what is going on around us. As an essential part of news, headline is playing more and more important role in transmitting information. They are the eyes of news content, so we attach more importance to the translation of English news headlines. And the quality of news headlines translation is our big concern.
It is not an easy task for a translator to translate news headlines appropriately. We can find from some newspapers in our life that some translated versions are too confused to read. Some are so complicated that the readers can not figure out what the main idea of the news and can not obtain the main idea which the editor wants us to know. So translating the headlines properly is important and necessary. Actually, there have been many books or articles discussing about news translation. Besides, a lot of
