
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


本文介绍了格特(Ernst-August Gutt)提出的关联翻译理论。重点讨论了关联理论汽车商标翻译中的运用。通过关联理论的指导,对所收集到的汽车品牌中英名称进行对照、略论、综合、比较、归纳,从而确定它们的翻译措施,同时对汽车商标翻译中出现的文化意象移植现象进行整合归纳。在关联翻译理论的认识基础上进行了探讨总结,提出了文化意象灵活移植的具体措施,英语论文,它们是:意象复制、意象补偿、意象删除、意象重构与意象添加。汽车商标词因其意义的多重性、功能的特殊性、以及文化的依赖性,其翻译是传统翻译理论很难解释的复杂问题,因此,选择这一解释力极强的关联理论对其进行解释和指导,不仅可以从理论上加深对关联翻译理论的认识,英语论文题目,同时也可以为商标翻译实践提供更新的措施。


This paper presents the relevance translation theoretic proposed by Ernst-August Gutt and discusses their application to the car brand name translation. Based on the relevance theoretic, this paper reports a meticulous study on the car's brand name and its translation method. Several concrete methods are brought forth in transferring culture images in car brand name translation. They are duplication, compensation, deletion, reconstruction and addition of culture images.Due to the car brand names’ multi-layer meanings, their distinctive features of functions and culture bounded qualities, their translation and interpretation cause problems that are very difficult to be resolved. However, it has show that the relevance theory as the most powerful theory will not only strengthen the theoretic concept of relevant translation, but also provide more concrete translation methods of brand names in practice.

Key words: car brand name; culture image; relevant translation; flexible transference

1. Introduction
1.1 The present theory of translation of brand names
With the ever increasing number of brands in the automobile market today, it is necessary for car manufacturers to make their particular brand prominent. However, consumer’s buying behavior is becoming more complex. It is no longer sufficient for car manufacturers to provide just a functional machine; it must deliver certain promises and experiences. A good trademark translation may bring an enterprise huge wealth, whereas a bad one may let an enterprise suffer great loss(Ai•Ries,2017). Therefore, an enterprise’s future is closely linked with trademark translation. A strong and well-managed brand will help car manufactures stay in the forefront of the consumer’s mind.
