
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

Video game is a newly-emerged kind of popular mass entertainment. With the development of cultural exchanges between China and the world, more and more excellent western games are introduced to China. Because of the significant differences between their languages and cultures, foreign games must be translated into Chinese in order to be understood and enjoyed by Chinese players. Game translation is an important part of cultural exchange. However, little research has been done in China. This thesis aims at this field and some relevant fields, summarizing some features of game translation such as unity, conciseness, instantaneity, culture and professionalism. A case study is done on the translation of game Fallout3: New Vegas, through which the author listed the contents to be translated in games, and illustrated the translation strategy employed in the translation of video games and some mistakes that needs to be avoided.
Key words: Fallout3: New Vegas, video game, translation strategy 

关键词:辐射3:新维加斯   游戏   翻译策略

Video game, as a popular mass entertainment, has become an increasingly important part of people’s recreation and cultural exchange. Players can receive relaxation, pleasant sensation and aesthetic enjoyments during the process of playing games. In recent years, video game has grown to be a global industry and many foreign games are introduced to China, most of which are in English. The games in English need to be translated so as to be understood and enjoyed by most Chinese players. Under this circumstance, game translation has grown rapidly in the past decade. However, the research of game translation has not drawn enough attention. A large proportion of games in English are translated by volunteers and fans on the Internet. Their English levels and knowledge of foreign cultures differ, which influence the final translation results. Their translations are mostly based on their experiences and discussion in a small group. Few researches have been done on the theory and summary of their works. Therefore, such researches are necessary and significant.
