
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

Abstract: Since the reform and opening-up, connections between China and the outside is becoming more frequently. English that has developed as a worldwide language has become our main tool to fulfill international communication, and translation has become a necessary method. However, a phenomenon exists commonly in Chinese- English translation, that is, Chinglish. This paper is an attempt to study Chinglish in Chinese-English translation through the perspective of cultural difference and thinking patterns. By the way of contrastive analysis, it analyzes main causes and forms of Chinglish, for the purpose of helping Chinese English learners have a clearer cognition of Chinglish and avoid it in translation as much as possible.
Key Words: Chinglish; Cultural Difference; Translation; Thinking Patterns

摘  要:自从我国改革开放的实施,我国与外界的交流与沟通越来越频繁。英语已发展为一门国际通用的语言,英语论文范文,并成为我国对外交流的主要工具;而翻译便成为必要的交流形式。然而,在翻译过程中普遍存在“中式英语”的现象。针对这一问题,本课题从文化,思维异同角度借助对比略论法诠释了中式英语的成因,旨在给中国英语学习者一个借鉴,以期在翻译过程中尽量减少使用中式英语,提高汉英翻译质量。
