The Translation Strategies of English News Headlines from the Perspective of Cultural Difference[英语论文]

资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

A Study on the Translation Strategies of English News Headlines from the Perspective of Cultural Difference

In the 21st century, foreign media have gradually come into people's daily life. Many English newspapers and magazines have launched the Chinese version of their publications and have a Chinese website. At the same time, the popularity of English education in China constantly improves people's English proficiency. This has set higher demands on the translation of English newspapers, especially on that of news headlines.
Most of the translators have received systematic training and have a fairly solid grasp on commonly used English vocabulary. As a result, the most serious error in translation is often not due to improper expressions, but caused by cultural differences.

A complete theoretical system of English news headline translation has already been built up, but its focus is mainly concentrated on the English news headlines’ lexical features, syntactic features, rhetorical devices as well as some common translation strategies. It is noteworthy that, in practice, the cultural and ideological factors also have an important impact on translation strategies and translation methods. This thesis summarizes the features of English news headline translation as well as some commonly used translation strategies, and it analyzes the obstacles caused by cultural differences in English headlines translation. The result of this thesis strives to make effective suggestions about how to deal with cultural differences in news headline translation with common translation strategies.

Key words: news headline, cultural difference, translation strategy

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