
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20



关键词  学习型社交网络,语言学习,模型设计


This paper will start from the analyses of the factors which can promote the effects during the learning process and then try to put the characteristics of the social net work into shape. After that , I will research the feasibility and the advantages of putting the social net work into the usage of language learning. There are three points which are important in the practical application of the language learning social net works: learning partner, space for interactive activities, learning activity. A model will be built based on rational thinking over those three key points, which is in order to give a reasonable reference to the design to the construction of the language learning social network. And by this way, I hope that students can promote both the learning effects and their study efficiency.

Keywords  social network for language learning, grammar errors, model design

1  Introduction
1. 1  Background of the research
Instructional scarffolding is a learning process designed to promote a deeper level of learning. As Jerome Bruner said: “ Students are not passive recipients of knowledge, but active information processors.”. English learners need a learning model beside traditional teaching methods. Instructional scarffolding is the provison of sufficient support to promote learning concepts and skills are being first introduced to students. Finding a place and a companion to practice English has become a common pursuit of many learners, which made online English chatting become popular. The instructional scarffolding theory has described a interactive learning model which was directed by teachers. However, it is impossible for common learners to find a teacher help them in this constructive learning model. Therefore we should find a feasible way to solve this problem. After the observation of the talking on social network software, the author find that people in this model can play the role of mentor well. Learners can improve their language in a harmonious environment, this improvement are automonously and simultaneously. Social network software played an important role.
