
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

[摘 要]


[关键词] 情景教学法;初中;英语课堂

Nowadays, English, as an international language, has been one of the most important courses in middle school, the teaching method which can match the pupil’s characteristic, and make them accept easily, also can increase their interest and learning efficiency is the topic that many English teachers are researching about. The aim of this paper is to show situational teaching method is appropriate for middle school English classes and it can improve classroom atmosphere and arouse students’ interest. By designing some real situations, providing examples by multimedia, learners are activated in the language learning. It is beneficial to the students to master knowledge increase the students’ interest and change dull atmosphere. In a word, situational teaching method can make the teaching more efficient and effective.

Key words: situational teaching method; middle school; English teaching

1. Introduction
The situational teaching method can solve the problem how to arouse students’ interest in English class. The language real environment is the key to learning English. The situational teaching method can designed language environment close to real life. The situational teaching method is from the real communication and use different vivid ways to create attractive situations. It makes students personally on the scene and inspires their interest to knowledge. The figurativeness of the situational teaching method in English class can promote the study interest and change the model of English class. The successful language classroom teaching should create more situations to make the students have more opportunity to apply language. [1]
  Teachers turn the difficult contents into concrete materials according to the situational teaching method. That makes the contents more acceptable. The lively image, lifelike language environment can improve learning initiative. It makes students participate in teaching voluntarily, communicate with classmates in English. To be different from the traditional teaching method, teachers use different ways to create language environment. It can motivate intellectual of the students, make students have a deeper understanding of the teaching contents and master knowledge easily. According to this teaching method, it improves students’ listening, speaking, reading and writing ability and application ability. Students have demand for learning English.
