
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


The lexical chunk is a kind of lexicalized collection, which includes words, phrases, grammars and pragmatics. The aim of lexical chunk studying is to aid English learners to communicate by using chunks. After they have noticed the meaning of vocabulary in the sense of context, pragmatics and text through the teacher’s guidance, the English learners will combine the vocabulary learning with the grammars learning together. It not only helps learners to memorize the language, but also encourages them to use the language creatively. Lexical chunk learning outweighs other learning methods in the area of listening, speaking, writing learning etc. With its unique advantage, the lexical chunk has been a new trend in English language learning. I manage to analyze the functions of lexical chunks on the English learning, especially on the listening learning, speaking learning and writing learning. After analyzing the functions, I will discuss how to use the lexical chunks in real learning and teaching. I also observe the current teaching situation, seek some problems and raise some methods to solve these problems. What’s more, my purpose is to complete the function of lexical chunks on English learning and promote the reform of English teaching.

Key words: lexical chunk function  learning strategy  prefabricated chunks


关键词:语块影响;学习策略; 预制语块

Chapter One Introduction
In tradition, when talking about vocabulary learning, it usually refers to dealing with the vocabulary in grammatical conception, which is quite abstract. It seldom considers putting vocabulary learning into practice in real language environment. However, the form and the meaning of the vocabulary are relevant. The syntax and the vocabulary are also relevant. These characteristics are reflected in colligation and collocation. Based on these characteristics, the conception of lexical chunk is put forward.
