摘 要
(1) 模态对理解是否有作用;
(2) 输入长度对理解有哪些作用。
Listening and reading are two major input resources in second language learning. Currently, explorations into the influence of input modality on comprehension are rather inconclusive. Some have found modality effect, namely, enhanced learning and comprehension through the use of concurrent visual and auditory channels, while others have found a redundancy effect, namely, detrimental effects by identical information simultaneously presented through two channels, which add more working load to the processors. Both of the findings derive mostly from studies in the field of general learning and it has not been determined whether such findings can apply to language learning and comprehension. Moreover, due to the imbalanced development in reading and listening abilities among second language learners, it is not known whether the input modality has influences on comprehension among Chinese learners of English. Additionally, most of the present studies focus on the effects of different modalities on comprehension. A possible influence on comprehension from the length of input has been neglected. At present research is aimed at the following two questions:
1) Whether input modality influences comprehension;
2) What influences that length of input has on comprehension.
In order to answer these questions, a controlled comparison study was conducted. First, comprehension under different input modalities was compared: audio, audio plus subtitle, and audio plus subtitle plus images. Then the comprehension under two different input lengths was analyzed to find out whether length of input influences comprehension. The results showed that the audio-subtitle-image group and the audio-subtitle group outperformed the audio group, indicating that a combination of visual and audio input could enhance comprehension. However, a post-treatment questionnaire suggested that due to imbalanced development in reading and listening abilities among second language learners, the results may be evidence of a compensation effect rather than positive modality effect. In a second language acquisition, reading ability may be compensatory when listening ability is relatively weak. Beyond that, subjects comprehended more information as length of input increased. But quite interestingly, our subjects comprehended almost the same amount of input in terms of percentage. It is quite likely that memory has a limited capacity, but it calls for further study to uncover what the capacity is.
Keywords: input modality; length of input; comprehension