
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

摘  要


关键词: 小学英语教师;课堂话语;语言习得


Primary English teachers' discourse plays a vital role in the organization of classroom teaching and learner's language acquisition process. Teachers' discourse is not only a tool for teachers to perform the teaching plan, but also an important source of students' language input. The thesis focuses on doing some research of primary English teachers' classroom discourse to analyse the characteristics of primary English teachers' classroom discourse and its influence and impact, then puts forward the strategy of optimizing primary English teachers' classroom discourse. Through research, it can be seen that most scholars mainly study for high school and college English teachers' classroom discourse, while the analysis of primary school English teachers' classroom discourse is less. Primary is the basis for students to learn English, so to study primary school English teachers' classroom discourse is imperative.
    The thesis includes five chapters. First, the research significance of primary English teachers' classroom discourse is analysed. Second, the characteristics of teachers' discourse is classified. Third, some existing problems of primary English teachers' classroom discourse are discussed. Fourth, the influencing factor of teachers' discourse is analysed specifically, that is teacher talk, the amount and type of teachers' questions and the feedback from teachers, etc, and a number of recommendations for improvement of the English teachers' classroom discourse are put forward. Fifth, it summarizes the article view and analyses the paper's shortcomings and then points out the possible future research directions.

Key words: primary English teacher; classroom discourse; language acquisition

1 Introduction
    Since Z•Harris put forward the concept of "discourse analysis" in 1952, discourse analysis had a history of about 50 years so far. As early as in the 1950s and 1960s, due to the impact of M•A•K•Halliday's functional linguistics and J•I•Austin and J•Searle's speech act theory, a group of linguists had analysed the discourse structure and discourse characteristics from the perspective of component distribution and context, began the study of discourse above the sentence level. When it was 1970s, with the development of theoretical linguistics, sociolinguistics and computer linguistics, the study of discourse analysis on ultra-sentence had risen to the register, cohesion, macro-structure and micro-structure. This stage of the study made a number of achievements, linguistics such as Van Jijk, W•I abov, M•A•K•Ha lliday, R•Ha san, J•S inclair and M•Co uthard et al have an important contribution to discourse analysis.

