
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

摘  要




This article mainly talks about the comparative study of communicative language teaching (CLT) and task-based language teaching (TBLT). It mainly includes features, advantages, disadvantages, principles, procedures and strategies of CLT and TBLT. What's more, it contains about the problems we should pay attention to when implementing of CLT and TBLT in the classroom. It is based on various theories and researches of famous educators and linguists at home and abroad. What the twenty-first century needs is giving the extraverted talents to the world. Communicative language teaching and task-based language teaching meet the requirements of the times. It's an urgent task to improve the learners' comprehensive ability of using language and find appropriate methods of language teaching. In order to cultivate more talents who can communicate effectively, many educators and governments gradually focus on various versions of CLT and TBLT. In order to research the topic about CLT and TBLT and the background of implementation of CLT and TBLT, many different methodologies are taken to carry out the comparative study of CLT and TBLT, such as the comparative research, the descriptive research, the literature research, the survey research and so on. There are some similarities and differences between CLT and TBLT. What the relationship between each other is, how to correctly treat the relationship between each other are the major issues to be solved. How to correctly understand and grasp CLT and TBLT is very important to stimulate learners' interest in learning language and cultivate their language abilities.

Key words: communicative language teaching; task-based language teaching; methodology; relationship

1 Introduction
1.1 Background knowledge
The twenty-first century is a century with high technology, abundant information, broaden internationality. The global economy and the commercializing events turn the world into a global village. Under the different culture backgrounds, people have more opportunities to communicate with each other face to face. As an international common language, English is widely used in various worldwide activities. This change of new trend puts forward a new challenge to traditional teaching methods. As a response to this challenge, English teaching of China should clarify its own teaching objectives and choose proper teaching methods so as to improve learners' ability of communication.
