
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20




Humanistic psychology, which originated in the United States in fifties and sixties of the 20th century, emphasizes some recent teaching theories, such as student-oriented teaching theory and free learning theory highlighting freedom. With the combination of humanistic psychology and college English teaching, this paper will stress, on the one hand, the application of humanistic psychology in college English teaching, on the other hand, the achievements which humanistic psychology has attained during the process of college English teaching at present in China. Proceeding from both theory and practice, the author will explain the significant role of humanistic psychology in real teaching process. The paper will focus on four aspects to introduce the enlightenments of this theory for college English teaching, hoping that it can guide the exploration and development of humanistic psychology in teaching process in the future, ultimately improving the efficiency and level of college English teaching. 

Key words: Humanistic Psychological Thoughts; College English Teaching; Revelation

1.     Introduction
1.1     The Humanistic Psychology
Humanistic theory emerged in the 1950s in the American Psychological movement for innovative and thought. It is the third psychological movement. (Zhang Lijuan, 2017). It advocated the study of humans’ nature, potential, experience and self-value. Humanistic psychology is not only a recent subject which has a significant role in promoting the development of psychology, but also a humanistic development in the field of pedagogy. It has a great influence on the current education and the forms a new education method which advocates student-centered concept and makes the achievement of self-development its main goal. Zhang Lijuan(2017) researched its main representatives in this field such as Maslow and Rogers. They form a complete set of the teaching theories, from the ideas of self-actualization and human nature.
